Friday, June 25, 2010

Magpie Tale #20: Tooth Brush, in 55 words

When I was very little,

Mom badgered me to

brush my teeth.

I hated it.

The minty paste burned my tongue.

I cried.

Today I hold the small plastic pan

under Mom's chin

so she can brush her teeth

while she sits up

in her hospital bed.

The minty paste refreshes her tongue.

I cry.
To see other Magpie Tales, click here.


  1. A warm tribute to mums. Thank You

  2. Oh Coco, how that hits home! In that situation we all cry and die a little. I promies to post another 'carer story' soon.
    Heart rending post!

  3. This is so very sweet. Lovely, and sigh-inducing.

  4. The circle of life is a painful curve, but part of life. I apsolutely love what you did. I think it is my favorite. Touching to the core.

  5. Thank you Carrie, Susan, Stafford, Gabriela, and Ninotaziz for coming here. I'm not new to blogging, but THIS particular blog is brand new. I've never written anything like this before. It's quite a challenge.

  6. That is so lovely. And very sad, brings back memories of caring for my Dad...

    Well done.

  7. well after coming here and being totally blown away I'm ready to pack in Parchment Monkey and admit total defeat in creative writing - you have the talent - and what a talent it is! I am merely a hack w/a slight vocabulary. I loved the toothbrush story - it all comes back doesn't it? Life is just one big circle. hugs

  8. Poignant Magpie, it could happen to us all.

  9. Good to see you post here and I can't tell you how sorry I am about your mum, I remember doing the same for my dad

  10. Such a poignant picture of life, as the chapter begins again.

  11. know when my mom took her fall a few months back i got a brief glimose of days i will be taking care of her...the child becomes the parent...i hope she is doing well now...

  12. Ugh! I'm trying so hard to not make this blog a depressing place, but right now I just can't help it.
    I'm writing this stuff on my laptop right here at the hospital.

  13. Dear coco: Wow! I love this! It is so minimalist, succinct and to the point.The flip-flop in role-playing part of the circle of life. Very excellent! Style +++!

  14. Touching and tender - reality is all around us.

  15. Dear Coco,
    I have lived this pain and appreciate your lovely words ..... thank you.

  16. Ah, Coco, that's very insightful. A good Maggie.

  17. That is so sad, and I understand your position. Blessings for you and your Mom.

  18. so beautiful and poignant, the painful transitions and reversal of roles. wonderful magpie!

  19. This is such a beautiful and touching post. There always seems to come a point when the child becomes the parent.

  20. best wishes for your mom...and you! Just say it's a 'blue' post and you're done with TT! :)
