Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fire Cracker: Magpie Tale 21, in 55 words

Chinese firecracker??
In 1970 Taiwan
we lived in a house
near the rice paddies.
Farmers used
their beloved and gentle
water buffalo
to plow the fields.
These beasts dropped dung
on the road.
We were spoiled rotten
American kids.
We would
put Chinese firecrackers
deep inside
the buffalo dung,
light a match,
and run like hell.


  1. haha. so did they blow apart...either way bet they burned a bit which would spell wonderfully i imagine...eww...smiles.

  2. Brian,
    I blew up a lot of buffalo turds in my childhood. Pieces would fly every which way, omg!

  3. Really liked this poem, it had richness and loved the repetition of "ewwwwwwww" - could almost hear the children's voices. Good stuff.

  4. Wonderfully descriptive - sounds like kids around the world even though the type of dung probably varies from spot to spot. :)

  5. oh hahahah I remember my brothers doing that sort of thing and us girls going ewwwwwwwww!
    Nice Magpie!
